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欢迎来到海星来来的博客!本篇博客文章会对雅思写作 Part2 部分的内容做一个综述和讲解。首先,我们会形成一个总体印象,大概了解到考试内容到底考什么,对题型有一个大概的了解。之后,我们会了解下,什么样的文章是真的好,考官愿意给到高分,我们会有一个方向去努力。之后就是对考试心智的讲解——首先是整体心智的讲解,既写什么,怎么写。之后,对于文章划分的五层结构,每一层结构都给到了仔细的讲解和对应的范文,我们可以从其中学习或者复习其中的写作思路。


常考题型总结 Intro

以下总结了考试的几种分类。一般来说,可以分为 opinion 和 analysis 两种大类。其中 opinion 类考的最多,这其中一般都是两种观点之间的碰撞,需要写一篇文章来论述这两种不同的观点。

  • Group 1: Opinion

    • Agree / disagree
    • Discuss both views
    • Positive or negative development?
    • Advantage outweigh disadvantage?
  • Group 2: Analysis

    • Problems / Causes / Reasons and Solutions
  • 九分要求全面回答问题并拓展文章;

  • 七分作文回答问题,但有生硬感,五分作文缺乏结构和语法错误;

有效的文章结构 Structure

一般来说,一篇优秀的作文,它应该首先满足两个需求:字数需求和完成命题。对于议论文来说,五段式写作是一种用得不多,但是很有效的 mindset.


对于目标 7 分以上,写作最好有 400 字左右。


  1. The Beginning
  2. Point 1 + Reasoning
  3. Point 2 + Exemplification
  4. Point 3 + Concession
  5. The End

切记,不要直白的罗列观点,这样是最忌讳的。一般称之为 Listing.


The StructureAn example
HookSocial issues related to gender have been widely discussed among people over centuries. Due to gender differences, some people have claimed that certain jobs should accept either men or women.
TransitionHowever, such a statement suffers from logical and factual problems.
PointsI hardly agree with this one-sided proposal.
Point 1To begin with, limiting the access to certain occupations on the basis of gender may ignore the individualities since the over-generalized characteristics of men and women are not always universal. Such an act may hurt the whole society.
ReasoningFor instance, if females are only allowed to enter particular careers be them nurses, teachers or accountants, those who are unenthusiastic and unable to handle these work and rejected from other professions might take these important positions. Males that are authentically passionate about these jobs will be faced with the risks of being jobless. Hence, the overall domestic unemployment rate will increase.
Point 2Additionally, in a society where the exclusion of men or women from certain jobs is taken for granted by people, pre-existing gender stereotypes tend to be reinforced, which is undesirable for social equality.
ExemplificationFor example, in many parts of the world girls are either explicitly or implicitly barred from entering certain professions such as science. As a result, girls might be discouraged from taking science classes at an early age, and later have less chance of finding good jobs. Had it not been for such bias, the society would have been more productive.
Concession hookAdmittedly, females and males with naturally selected biological dissimilarities either on brain structures or genes grant differentiated cognitive skills or physical strengths.
Point 3Hence, labor division according to genders might enable a society to achieve productive efficiency.
Concession reasoningHowever, the collaboration and cooperation between women and men making full use of their distinctive advantages might further facilitate the efficiency of working, which has been studied extensively by multiple groups of researchers worldwide.
ConclusionIn conclusion, having considered both sides of the statement, I still believe that in a diverse and dynamic society, people, regardless of their gender, ought to have equal opportunities and access to compete for the jobs that they desire for.

在了解了五段式写作之后,我们就应该对各个题目进行深入分析了。事实上,虽然考试的题型不一样,但是本质上都是两种观点的碰撞和论证。而且这两种观点正好是某种社会现象的正反面。因此,所有关于 opinion 的题目我们都可以归纳到固定的答题心智中。

关于审题 Analysis of Prompt


其实,两个观点相比于一个观点来说显得肯定更加客观。但是,两个观点的写作难度很明显也会大于一个,这是因为我们完全不好组织两个观点如何组织好文字,很容易讲不清楚。另外,我们从两个观点中形成一个令双方都能接受的折中观点,同样需要另外的思考。所以说,除非十分有把握,还是选择 one side 进行论述。

One Side or Both Sides?

  • 各有各的好处,考场上推荐使用 One Side
  • Both Sides 容易让老师耳目一新。但是富贵险中求,这种方式很容易在有限的时间内讲不清,跑题。
  • One Side 更加容易在考场上发挥,提前准备的空间足够多。

在读题的时候首先要确定我们的观点,不同的观点这个时候就会有不同的写作方法。但是文章的结构是不变的,opinion 之下,对应3个 point.

实际上,这些 point 我们当然不可以直接在考场上直接想。在进行雅思写作的备考的时候,我们完全可以进行 high-level views 的准备。涉及到这些 views 的准备,我们可以适当准备一些素材。首先,我们归纳了一些高层次的观点,供你参考。


  • Effectiveness and efficiency
  • Economy and finance
  • Environment and health
  • Equality and fairness
  • Feasibility and compatibility
  • Culture and globalization
  • Technology and internet
  • 个人微观,社区城市国家世界的宏观,兼容性

(题目) Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
(High Level) As far as national cultural influence is considered, foreign tourists should NOT pay more.
(Mid Level) Cultural and historical sites are usually the symbol of a nation and image of a country and we should not discourage foreigners from visiting these sites.
(Detail) Higher price reduces the number of visitors - having foreign visitors pay more will interfere with the spread of our national culture and global influence.



假如说我准备了 effectiveness and efficiency 这个高级观点,这意味着我们所持有的观点拥有着更高效的运作模式,那么它就可以拥有令xx更方便,效率更高。那么我们可以事先准备以下语料:

First of all, () is an extraordinarily efficient tool of () as it enables smooth and effective () in modern time.
For instance, (), as compared to traditional (), offers convenience in our daily lives. It allows us to () simply with () (wherever we are, whenever we want, and however we would like to).
In addition, we are able to can reduce workload and facilitate more efficient completion of tasks – (), thereby streamlining workflows and eliminating unnecessary steps or delays.
Compared with the (), () has totally transformed our ways of living a life or working style.

以上分别讲述了有关于 effectiveness and efficiency 这个高级观点其中的两个子观点——首先它可以便捷我们的生活。其次,它可以增加我们完成任务的效率。一般来说,这两个观点涉及到了工作和生活,但是关于便捷和高效的事物,并不一定作用于工作(例如基础建设,如高铁),所以这里如果想完美的使用 effectiveness and efficiency,尽量多积累一些有关于生活方面的好处。

When we say that something has the characteristics of effectiveness and efficiency, it can bring several benefits and conveniences to our lives:
Time-saving: Effective and efficient processes or tools help us accomplish tasks in less time. By streamlining workflows and eliminating unnecessary steps or delays, we can complete tasks more quickly and have more time for other activities.
Cost reduction: Efficiency often leads to cost savings. When processes are optimized and resources are utilized effectively, it can result in lower expenses. This can apply to various aspects of life, such as energy consumption, transportation costs, or even personal budgeting.
Improved productivity: Effectiveness and efficiency go hand in hand with increased productivity. When we can accomplish more in less time, it allows us to achieve our goals more effectively and accomplish more in our personal and professional lives.
Simplified decision-making: When we have effective and efficient systems in place, it becomes easier to make decisions. With clear metrics and measurable outcomes, we can evaluate options and choose the most suitable course of action based on data and evidence.
Enhanced quality: Effectiveness and efficiency often result in improved quality. By focusing on what truly matters and optimizing processes, we can deliver better results, whether it’s in terms of products, services, or personal achievements.
Reduced stress: When we have effective and efficient systems in place, it reduces stress and frustration. We have more confidence in our ability to accomplish tasks, and we can rely on streamlined processes to support us, leading to a more relaxed and balanced life.

我们下面来以 email 为例子,阐述这段,到底应该怎么写:

First of all, (email) is an extraordinarily efficient tool of (communication) as it enables smooth and effective (social and professional communication) in modern time.
For instance, (sending email), as compared to traditional (communication ways), offers convenience in our daily lives. It allows us to (reach our beloved ones or colleagues) simply with (a few clicks on the keyboard or a mobile device ) (wherever we are, whenever we want, and however we would like to).
In addition, we are able to can reduce workload and facilitate more efficient completion of tasks – (emails enable instant message delivery, file sharing, and collaborative work, reducing time and geographical constraints), thereby streamlining workflows and eliminating unnecessary steps or delays.
Compared with the (phone calls and paper mails), (email) has totally transformed our ways of living a life or working style.

所以我们可以看到,我们需要真正去积累的部分应该是,如何优雅的使用常见的论述主体的表现,以及它如何发挥作用——因为这是关联论述主体和结论的纽带。举个例子,刚刚上面的 emails enable instant message delivery, file sharing, and collaborative work, reducing time and geographical constraints 这一段实际上说的就是 email 的作用,它可以直接发送消息,可以共享文件,可以合作工作,超越地理上的限制。这些正好可以论证「减少工作压力、增加工作效率」的论点。

实际上,当积累进行到了一定程度,我们可以进一步按照素材去进行素材的总结归类。例如 enable instant message delivery, file sharing, and collaborative work, reducing time and geographical constraints 很显然这不是电子邮件的专利——那么只要是互联网相关的内容,这一个语料都可以用上。

Opinion 题型变种思路


  1. The Beginning
  2. Point 1 + Reasoning
  3. Point 2 + Exemplification
  4. Point 3 + Concession
  5. The End

关于 Opinion 的四种题型都可以映射到这套思路上。例如:

母题 agree or disagree
Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • 变种1 (discuss both views and give your opinion)
    Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

在这种题型中,both views(它们通常是相反的)可以类比与母题的 agree 和 disagree。正好也同时对应两种观点。

  • 变种2 (positive or negative development)
    There are a higher proportion of older people than younger people. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

positive or negative 类比与母题的 agree 和 disagree。正好也同时对应两种观点。

  • 变种4 (advantages outweigh disadvantages)

E-mail has had a huge impact on professional and social communication, but this impact has been negative as well as positive. Do the disadvantages of using e-mail outweigh the advantages?

advantages or disadvantages 类比与母题的 agree 和 disagree。正好也同时对应两种观点。

关于观点生成 Idea Generation

Agree or disagree


Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Your ResponseHigh-level Points
should pay moreCulture: encourage citizens to visit
Economy: support local communities
Feasibility: tourists will not quit if reasonable
should NOT pay moreEconomy: hurt local economy
Culture: national symbol and global influence
Euality: Cultural heritage shared by all mankind

结论:很多 high level 的观点都是通用的,那么只需要几个通用的观点就可以了。

Discuss both views and give opinion

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Your ResponseHigh-level Points
College!Effectiveness: long-term career growth
Economy: better-paying jobs
Social relationship: friends and circles
Job!Economy: Financial burden
Effectiveness: hands-on experience
Tech learn fast and free through internet

Positive or negative development

There are a higher proportion of older people than younger people. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Your ResponseHigh-level Points
More older people
positive development
Economy: experienced and skilled workforce
Health: better healthcare and productivity
Tech: high-tech reduces the need for manual labor
More older people
negative development
Economy: heavy financial burden on society
Culture: lack of passion and innovation in society
Social stability: issues caused by young immigrants

Advantages outweigh disadvantages

E-mail has had a huge impact on professional and social communication, but this impact has been negative as well as positive. Do the disadvantages of using e-mail outweigh the advantages?

Your ResponseHigh-level Points
Email has more advantagesEfficient: fast and easy
Economy: free or low cost
Social relationship: reduces unneeded social
Email has more disadvantagesCulture: text cannot convey diversity in common
Social relationship: keep people distant
Economy: hardware needed, not necessarily cheap

开场 Opening

综述 Intro




  • 不能照搬原文,需要带有一定的解释;
  • 需要有连贯的逻辑性,例如可以善用过渡;
  • 需要清晰明了。


  • Use prompt analysis from previous, sessions for practice.
  • Build your own adaption of the formula; feel free to add more complexity.
  • Pick an opposite detail that you will be able to fight back later in concession.

在接下来,我们看到的 formula,就囊括了这些内容。

写作思路提炼 Mindset formula derivation

It is hard to deny that (opposite detail). Such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that (opposite response).
However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously.
As far as (Pont 1), (Point 2), and (Point 3) are concerned, I strongly hold that (our response).

It is hard to deny that historical and cultural sites are the symbols of a nation, and we should encourage visiting to promote our national influence. Such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that we should not charge foreign visitors more to visit these sites, as higher fees discourage visiting and hinder the influence of our culture. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as culture, economy, and feasibility are concerned, I strongly hold that we ought to have foreign visitors pay more for visiting the sites.

It is hard to deny that text is not always able to convey the subtlety and diversity in communication, and such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that email has more disadvantages in professional and social communication simply as emails are usually composed in pure text, causing confusion and misunderstanding. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as effectiveness, economy, and social relationship are concerned, I strongly hold that email has brought more advantages.


关于写作思路,首先这里使用了 confession 的手法,之后通过 confession 的转折引入我们需要谈论的主题。很显然,这其中还有不够好的地方,需要自己再进行润色,以便于达到独树一格的水平。

从逻辑考虑出发,As far as (Pont 1), (Point 2), and (Point 3) are concerned 这一句话虽然有它的好处,和下面的段落遥相呼应,但是特征也十分明显,As far as 用在这里也略显拖沓了。所以有必要将它精简。除此之外,首段和尾段因为更加好准备,所以我们可以适当使用一些与众不同但是比较贴合的词汇来增加我们的词汇丰富度。例如:

There is an undeniable difficulty in refuting the prevailing notion that (anti-notion). Such a fact leads susceptible individuals to form the belief that (anti-point simply as anti-reason connecting anti-notion and anti-point), causing confusion and misunderstanding. However, it is imperative to scrutinize this statement meticulously due to its logical and factual fallacies. When considering (hight-point1), (hight-point2), and (hight-point3), I staunchly maintain that (point has brought more advantages).


text is often inadequate in conveying the subtlety and diversity of communication. (这句话使用了 inadequate 表明使用的工具是不充分的,is not able 一个是因为太常见,另外一个是因为它的含义没有 inadequate 范围狭窄和精确)

第一个正文论理 Reasoning

例子和讲解 Example1

论理段的结构和要求,包括 coherent、consistent 和 adequate, 以及一个模板。充分注意细节,不能写


我们从上面讲到的 high-level 到 detail 的说法循序渐进:

highFirst and foremost, having foreign visitors pay more can he promote national culture, as such an act encourages local citizens to visit the sites.
midTo be more specific, the money charged from foreign visitors can be used to subsidize citizens to visit with cheap or free entry;
detailFurthermore, citizens will not only find a free entry inviting, but be attracted with a stronger sense of cultural belonging due to fewer entry barrier.
optional fillerTherefore, the benefit of charging foreign visitors more is ‘clear even to the layman’s eyes, and our government should impose such policy.

Detail 可以替换成其它形式。我们可以看到,示例中的 Detail 是跟随原有的论点进一步分析。如果当我们不好进一步分析的时候,我们可以进行(承接上文的观点的)对立观点的驳斥。例如:

On the other hand, foreign visitors might take up the limited accommodation capacity of the sites, so they needed to be reasonably discouraged from visiting.


in addition, having foreign visitors pay more could not only save available, seats” for citizens, but collect a fund of restoration for a more appealing attraction to all visitors.

示例中的原文,最后一段表示总结 Conclusion。除了总结,还可以表示成假设 What if 用于增强语气:

If we do not have foreign visitors pay more, we will not only lose a great opportunity in showing national culture to citizens, but one in promoting patriotism as well.


注重连贯性和说服性 Example2

First and foremost, studying at university or college is more economical (not using better) as students will be able to find jobs that are more financially rewarding.
To be more specific, the world today runs at an unprecedentedly fast speed and various industries require talents with both excellent technical and soft skills.
Elite universities are the places that provide an education that best meets such needs - a depth into a specific field with an atmosphere for communication and collaboration.
Such a fact is further substantiated by studies worldwide including one conducted by NPR (National Public Radio) in 2017 - the only thing that is more expensive than attending college is NOT attending.


Moreover, students who study hard will be able to pay off their tuition quickly with a better paying job.
Take my friend Diana as an example - she studies hard in college and was able to find a job that pays really well. She paid off her loan, completely changed her life with the job, and helped her family as well. Today she is the role model of my home school.

写作的时候,不要用 Listing 方式的写作。这个地方写到最后就变成了,因为努力找到了好工作,而不是好学校找到好工作,学校到最后举例的意义就可有可无了。使用身边人的例子不够具有说服力。


First of all, email is an extraordinarily efficient tool of communication as it enables smooth and effective social and professional communication in modern time.
For instance, we can reach our beloved ones or colleagues simply with a few clicks on the keyboard or a mobile device wherever we are, whenever we want, and however we would like to.
In addition, we are able to communicate at our own pace - build strong emotional connection with our family on the other hemisphere with a couple emails over the week, or have a continuous discussion with a team of colleagues within the same building all day long.
Compared with the age of phone calls and paper mails, email has totally transformed our ways of living a life or conducting business.

加油,看到这儿了,好棒!坚持看下去 ₍ᐢ •͈ ༝ •͈ ᐢ₎♡


examplification 和 example 之间的区别:example 只是用来举例,而 examplification 是将举例实例化。前者可能只使用一个通用的论证过程,后者必须有一个现实世界的对照。

这是一个 example:

For example, if you work hard, you will be able to get good results - tests, career, relationships …etc.

这是一个 examplification:

Take my friend Colin as an example: in the two months before his test, he reviewed three reading passages each day, worked on one new mock test; in addition, he finished 20 writing part twos in the week before his test and had them reviewed by Vince. He was eventually able to get an overall 7.5 in his first IELTS trial.

Examplification 同样有自己的写作常用 mindset:

Furthermore, the fact that income generated from historical sites promotes local economy indicates that foreign visitors, who usually are able to afford a higher admission, should be reasonably charged more.
Take the case of the well-known Cotta site located in the Terra town, which charges foreign visitors 75% more and uses the extra income on infrastructure such as roads, restaurants, and hotels. As a result, not only the life of local citizens is greatly improved, but such act also creates more jobs in town and attracts more domestic and international visitors with easier access and better facility.
Had it not been for the extra income from the site, the Terra town would never have been able to significantly improve the life of its residents and form a virtuous cycle in tourism.

一般来说,examplification 需要同时具备三要素:Generality Adequate Coherent. 最重要的是需要具有普适性 Generality.


Take the case of my friend Alex, a typical college student among thousands, who once was a diligent student at TS College, a well-known college for its expertise in science and engineering. Alex honed both his academic and communication skills at TS. As a result, he received offers from multiple Fortune 500 firms upon his graduation. Today, he is in a high-paying job which he likes a lot.

接下来看另外一个例子,从 AB 面论证了「是否使用电子邮件」带来的诸多好处。

A 面

Furthermore, the fact that email facilitates effective communication for free or low-cost indicates that it has brought great benefits to both our personal and professional life.
Take the case of the changes we all witnessed in the past decades - in many cases email has replaced expensive international phone calls, and enabled us to nail a deal across the globe or keep a close connection with family members home and abroad. As a result, email not only improved our life but accelerated globalization, and has its role in the growth of international trade.
Had it not been for email, we would never have been able to get so close to each other.

B 面

Furthermore, the fact that email brings convenience at the cost of social relationship indicates that it hurts both our personal and professional life greatly.
Take the case of
Tendollar, the company I work for and one of the biggest IT firm in the world: coworkers in the same building or even the same office rarely talk to each other face-to-face and almost always communicate via email or its upgraded version - instant message applications. As a result, a lot of times people do not even know how to properly talk at an official meeting or after work with their friends and beloved ones.
Had it not been for email, we would never have become so distant from each other while we are so close to each other.

让步段和结束 Concession and Ending

Concession: A literary device used in argumentative writing, where one acknowledges a point made by one’s opponent.

让步,也就是说需要攻击对面比较 confirm 的观点。例如,在 cat or dog? 的问题上,我们选择了 cat。这个时候对面抛出了「狗可以保护人类」的观点,我们就可以论证「狗不能强力的保护人类,况且保护人类的一般是警察」。

让步自然段中,我们同样可以有自己的 mindset.

Nevertheless, a voice arises that since historical sites are the symbols of a nation, charging foreign visitors more is not feasible as higher prices discourage visiting and hinder the spread of our national influence.
Ironically, site admission is usually a small part of traveling expenses compared with plane tickets and accommodation, and tourists usually travel to a foreign country with a sizeable budget; in addition, tourists travel long and far with the aim of exploring and understanding a new culture, so something as trivial as a few extra dollars on a ticket will not be enough to discourage them.
Therefore, charging foreign visitors more is a feasible approach.


Nevertheless, a voice arises that text in email cannot convey the subtlety and diversity in communication - it creates confusion and misleading information, damaging our social relationship.
Ironically, a hammer can hurt a person badly while millions are using it everyday. Email is simply a tool and not the only vehicle of information, we can use it mostly directly or to complement various other ways of communication. For instance, we can respond a simple “YES” to an address confirmation, or inform our coworkers of the progress of the business trip while keep the very details for a later face-to-face meeting.
Therefore, as long as we use our tools (email in this case) properly, we will be able to significantly enhance both our personal and professional relationships.

关于结束段落,我们一般只是起到一个总结的作用,来直接看看 mindset:

In a nutshell, I maintain that foreign visitors should pay more as such policy is feasible to implement, and benefits our national culture and economy.
Admittedly, as my favorite quote from James Madison goes, as long as the reason of man continues fallible, different opinions will be formed, and some people may oppose me.
However, I believe they will compromise after being exposed to my article.

这里我们可以看到,因为我们有在写作的时候进行不断的总结,所以我们在 Ending 段落持续重复文中观点显得十分重复。所以我们可以放一些较为通用的语言包上去。例如,我们想体现我们的包容性,批判性,就可以使用这种通用的名人名言。

文章作者: 海星来来
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 海星来来 !