雅思 听力同义替换2



No.61 - No.80

序号中文意考点词同义替换 · 真题摘录
61省掉omitleave out, cancel
62发现finddiscover, detect, spot, see, sight
63机会opportunitychance, odds, hope
64困难的difficultproblem, hard, not easy, not simple
65阻止preventavoid, stop, escape, forbid, out of bounds
66误解misunderstandwrong idea, confuse, puzzle, perplex
67努力try hardmake efforts, hard working
68反馈feedbackresponse, reaction, reply
69影响affectimpact, influence, effect
70分析认知analysisperspective, understand, perceive, know
71结果resultoutcome, consequence, conclusion
72处理handledeal with, cope with, figure out, work out, take care of
73帮助supporthelp, assistance, aid, tip
75严格的rigorousstrict, demanding
76限制restrictlimit, not permit
77相似的similarlike, compare
78特别的particularspecial, in particular, especially
79重复copyrepeat, reproduce
80统计(学)statisticsdata, figure

No.81 - No.100

序号中文意考点词同义替换 · 真题摘录
81最大值maximumup to, at most
82最小值minimumat least
83最初的initialat first, start, begin, early on, premiere
84少量的limitedjust a few, a little, small, a small number of, not many, miniature
85截短shortencut down
86降低decreaselower, reduce, fewer, drop, fall, decrease
87缺乏lackshortage, insufficient, fewer, not enough
88大的largebig, huge
89大量的amount oflots of, large quantities of, loads of
92超过more thanover, beyond, exceed, above
93当前at presentalready, existing, currently, nowadays
94更新updateupgrade, up to date, more current, modern
96将来soonlater, in the future
97过时的out of dateold fashioned
98古代的ancientmedieval, in the past, once, historical, old, ancient, former
99暂时的temporarya short time
100截止时间deadlinetime pressure, on time

No.101 - No.120

序号中文意考点词同义替换 · 真题摘录
102频繁more oftenfrequent
103年度的annualevery year
104每月every monthmonthly, four weeks
105每天every daydaily
106分类classifycategory, sort, type, kind
107入口entranceaccess, main gate, door
108在..后面behindback, rear
110在..旁边besidenext to, near, border
111可用的availablehave, accessible, not close, open
112无趣的boringnot interesting, boredom
113倾向trendpossibility, likely, tendency
114危险的riskydangerous, not safe, hazard
115有毒的poisonoustoxic, dangerous
116警报warningalarm, alert
119保护protectsafeguard, shelter, preserve
120伤害injuryharm, hurt, damage, dangerous, frighten

文章作者: 海星来来
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